
Bir gezek ulanylýan sputum sutagly ştrih toplumy

  • Bir gezek ulanylýan sputum sutagly ştrih toplumy

Önüm aýratynlyklary:

Free from skin irritation, able to effectively preventing liquid leakagesafe and hygienic.Specification model: Length (30cm~300cm)x width(30cm~260cm)intended use: The product is intended to cover the body surface of patients, thus toreduce the migration of infection source from non-surgical parts to surgica parts anc

Undertitüze otyrkaýyn ýaralandyrmasyz, operasiýa otagynda, umumy operasiýa bölümi, kömekçi bölüminiň, çaga lukmançylygy, Genocologiýa bölümi we ş.m.

Önüm aýratynlyklary:

Free from skin irritation, able to effectively preventing liquid leakagesafe and hygienic.Specification model: Length (30cm~300cm)x width(30cm~260cm)intended use: The product is intended to cover the body surface of patients, thus toreduce the migration of infection source from non-surgical parts to surgica parts anc

Undertitüze otyrkaýyn ýaralandyrmasyz, operasiýa otagynda, umumy operasiýa bölümi, kömekçi bölüminiň, çaga lukmançylygy, Genocologiýa bölümi we ş.m.

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