
Fap infrared pain peack patch

  • Fap infrared pain peack patch
  • Fap infrared pain peack patch
  • Fap infrared pain peack patch
  • Fap infrared pain peack patch

Hlela izakhiwo]Lo mkhiqizo uhlanganisa i-ceramic powder ye-ceramic, ama-acrylic asebekela ama-adhesive.non-walsic andsilicone walsilicone paper. Amandla we-Peel> 1.0N / CM.Holdy Viscosity S 2.5mm.far infraredemition wavength: 8um ~ 15um.normalemissivisiTv80%

Ukusetshenziswa okuhlosiwe] I-ZS- ilungele ukuphathwa kwe-advivant ye-Cervical Spondylosis. Scapulohumelperariaris, i-lumbar discheriation, i-osteoarthritis kanye ne-antisinjury ethambile (i-non acute). I-ZS-A ilungele ukwelashwa okunama-advivant kwesicebhu somlomo wesibeletho

I-ZS-B ilungele i-Adiuvant yokwelashwa i-scapulohumeral Periarthritis: I-ZS-CIS efanelekile yokwelashwa okunama-admivant of Lumbar Disc Herniation: I-ZS-D ilungele ukuphathwa kwe-osteoarthritis

I-Patch yethu yokwelashwa eyi-Fet Infrared Frefered iyisixazululo sezokwelapha esithuthukile esenzelwe ukuhlanganisa amandla emisebe ye-infrared ekude yezinzuzo zokwelapha. Lo mkhiqizo omusha uhlinzeka impumuzo eqondisiwe futhi ugqugquzela ukuphumula ngokusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe obude be-infrared.

Izici ezibalulekile:

Ukuphuma okuthe xaxa: I-Therapy Patch ikhipha imisebe ye-Farn infrared engena ekujuleni kwezicubu, edala imfudumalo emnene futhi ithuthukise ukujikeleza kwegazi okuthuthukile.

Ukukhululeka kwasendaweni: I-Patch yenzelwe uhlelo lokusebenza oluhlosiwe ezindaweni ezithile zomzimba, ukuvumela imiphumela yokwelapha egxile.

Ukulethwa Kwe-Transdermal: Imisebe ye-infrared ede yangena esikhunjeni, ukukhuthaza ukuphumula kanye nomqondo wenduduzo.

Okungahlangene: Ama-patches wezokwelapha asekude anikezela ngenye indlela engahlaseli yezindlela zokushisa zokwelapha, okwenza kube lula kubasebenzisi abahlukahlukene.

I-Flexible and Adhesive: I-Patch yakhelwe ukunamathela kahle esikhunjeni futhi ihambisane nokunyakaza kwemvelo komzimba.


Ukungathandeki kwemisipha: Iziqalo zangakwelashwa ezikude zisebenza zisebenza ekunikezeni impumuzo yokungezwani kwemisipha, usizi, nokungakhululeki.

Ukujikeleza okuthuthukile: Imisebe ye-Far infrared iyaziwa ukuthuthukisa ukujikeleza kwegazi, okwenza amachashazi alungele abantu abanokusakazwa okungekuhle noma ukungathandeki ngenxa yokugeleza kwegazi okunganele.

Ukuphumula kanye nokuphila kahle: umuzwa wokufudumeza kusuka esibayeni unikela ekuphumuleni, ukuncishiswa kwengcindezi, kanye nomqondo othuthukisiwe wenhlala-kahle.

QAPHELA: Ngenkathi ama-patches we-infrared afrared anganikeza izinzuzo ezahlukahlukene, kunconywe ukuthi abonane nochwepheshe wezokunakekelwa kwempilo ngezinkinga ezithile zezempilo.

Izwa izinzuzo ze-patch yethu yokwelashwa engaphezulu ye-infrared, ehlanganisa izakhiwo zokuphulukisa zemisebe evuthayo ekunikezeleni impumuzo ehlosiwe futhi ikhuthaze ukuphumula kahle.

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